Task number 5 is a continuous task. Please ensure you work constantly on this. You can gather points by understanding the projects on our website well, reaching out to startups or entrepreneurs, and helping them to apply.

The best approach so far is 1on1 outreach on LinkedIn. Social Media is great for creating views, but it does not yield so great results in terms of applications or shortlisting.

The points you generate will be automatically added to your house, and you will get closer to win the house cup.

Here is how you can do outreach in a structured and efficient way.

  1. Block 2 hours in your calendar any time in the week. Calendar blocking is a powerful tool to stay focused!
  2. Choose one project that you like a lot, and study it well.
  3. Prepare a short blurb for outreach on LinkedIn. Create it on Google docs or any other document program, make sure you use Grammarly to check for spelling mistakes. The longer follow-up blurb should have a clear call to action. Either your own referral link to the project or an invitation to have a call.
  4. Prepare a longer follow-up blurb. Add it below your shorter blurb.
  5. Search on LinkedIn for founders that meet the requirements of the project. Best open multiple profiles, each in one tab on your browser
  6. Open suitable profiles and do a personal invitation with the short blurb you have prepared. Make sure you write the name correctly!
  7. Do this for the first hour.
  8. Afterward, you go and check your network and see who has accepted your request to connect. Share now the longer follow-up blurb.
  9. Repeat this process every week. If you are keen to do more, you can also do this for longer hours or multiple times per week.

You will get better and better in this every time you focus on your outreach. You also build a network of startup founders, and really interesting people to connect with. You start having a real impact on your startup ecosystem and helping founders to get great opportunities.