After you have successfully finished your interview with one of our team members and got invited into the fellowship program, you will receive the first task.

It is important that you finish the first task in order to be officially recognized as a fellow. After you have finished the first task, we will invite you into our Fellowship Slack and we will introduce you to the other members. We will also create a post next week about all the Fellows who got accepted to this batch.

In case that you should not be able to finish your first task until the deadline, we cannot consider you however to join the first batch.

~~First task (until July 31st)~~ [This task is closed, please finish the First task below]

<aside> đź’ˇ Due to some feedback of you, we have decided to try out this time a step-by-step guide instead of a video. Please let us know if you have any difficulties.


Here is your first task (until August the 7th)

As a first task, we would like you to officially create an account on Founders Lair. This is your first step toward becoming a startup ecosystem builder.

  1. Go to and click on “Share this project” afterwards click on “Sign Up”


  1. When you Sign up, please make sure you use your real name and you upload a good profile picture



  1. Close the pop-up window & copy your own referral link for this project. Please paste the referral link somewhere, you will need it later.



  1. Open this image from the Media Gallery and save the flyer to your computer or device.
